Bicycling and Dystonia … Part II

Pashley to the rescue.

Pashley to the rescue.

A couple of weeks ago, I published a post about the problems I’d experienced after trying to ride a mountain bike i.e. chronic neck pain, due to the ride position that this style of bicycle forces the rider to adopt.

After burning the midnight oil and no doubt abusing our internet provider’s ‘fair usage’ policy, I think I have the answer… the Pashley Princess Sovereign. An old-fashioned, ‘sit up and beg’, proper bicycle.

As you can see from the photo, it looks amazing. If you like vintage styling, that is. Pashley have been hand building bicycles in Stratford-upon-Avon since 1926, so they know a thing or two about person powered transport. Add to this the fact that they built all the bikes used by Royal Mail (so I’m told), and you start to feel fairly confident that it will also last a while.

Actually, I think this bike will out last me. It’s certainly solid – forget carbon fibre and all that nonsense. This thing’s built, and weighs in, like a battleship.

Other upsides? The rider will never be called upon to wear undignified lycra, the saddle is as comfy as an armchair, it has a wicker basket to hold picnic stuff. The list just goes on….

After much hand-wringing and worrying about the cost (quality comes at a price), I’ve decided to buy one. It’s either that or accept the fact that I won’t ride a bike again.

So, Halfords’ have my order and the lovely people at the Pashley factory will shortly be building my bike. The staff there recommended this model as being best for an upright riding position, so I’m hopeful that this will solve my problem and get me out on the cycle tracks again.

“More tea, Vicar?”

Want to find out more?
Try Pashley’s website:

About Dystonia Girl

Writer/reader who likes to do lots of other things too. Lives with, but is not defined by, a rare neurological condition called Dystonia.
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4 Responses to Bicycling and Dystonia … Part II

  1. Sounds like a beauty of a bike. Looks like something Mary Poppins would have ridden happily. Good Luck and happy trails!!! Can’t wait to hear what you think of your new bike, I may just follow your lead. 🙂

    • Hi. Thank you! I can’t wait to get it. It was designed for ‘cruising’ and convenience, hence all the guards to keep your clothes clean and safe. I’ll probably end up with legs like tree trunks, as it weighs the same as an aircraft carrier, but what the heck! My husband says I’ll need to find a farmer with a tractor to tow me up any hills, but I think he’s only saying that because he’s jealous. I’ll keep you posted with progress ….
      Best wishes

  2. Pam says:

    I am so very happy to have found someone else who enjoys bicycling– in spite of having dystonia.

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